Narukami is a meta clan. Which should mean that it's expensive. It's true, most of the part, at least.
Even meta clans have budget builds. When people say something like "Gold Paladins are expensive!" or something, they're usually referring to the widely used build of Gold Paladins. In this case, probably a
Prominence Glare deck. It's not like Gold Paladins
have to be expensive (That will have a seperate blog in the future), and the same applies to all the meta clans. Here, I will be talking about how to make a Narukami Budget deck.
So for Narukami, the main expensive builds nowadays are
Brawlers. I meant,
Big Bang decks. It works really well, Busting your opponent's field each turn. It makes them scared to put down Rear-guards at all, and so you'll be able to guard less than normal. If they choose to call, then those are less cards for your opponent to guard with (and attack with, since you're gonna kill them next turn). But, who ever said that only Brawlers can do this?

With the advent of the latest Booster pack released in english,
Soaring Ascent of Gale & Blossom, (What an amazing name) Narukami recieved their Stride support, and their G-support makes a preety good budget deck. But I'm not here to talk about them, I'm here to talk about
this Legion Revival for Vermilion. Dragonic Kaiser Crimson, is an amazing unit. It can demolish the front row for free, consistently. Can you see how amazing this is? Your opponent is pressured
not to call anything to the Front row from the hand, since they'll be disappearing after one turn. But withought that front row, you'll have almost nothing to block as long as you put down a PG every turn. Then, this uses 0 Counterblasts, so you can use Counterblast Heavy units such as
Dragonic Deathscythe.
Grade 4
So, as always, let's talk about the G-zone first... At first, I thought that running 2 Conquest or so as a finisher was a good idea, (It is) but I didn't know the price of Conquest ($15) and thought that it was a good budget option... Just running 4 Zoras is best. As I said in the
Megacolony blog, a simple pressuring G-unit will take you a long way.
Grade 3
Just like the Zeal decklist, 4 Crimson and 4 Vermillion.
If you just believed that then you need to learn how to Revival Legion.
I get no love... |
You almost never want to ride Vermilion, and there is no Crimson searcher in existance, so if you run that lineup then you'll end up riding Vermilion 50% of the time. You should run the lineup of 4 Crimson, 1-2 Vermilion, and 2-3 more of another ride option. Let's see... The possible units that you can run are
Shotgun Blow Dragon,
Armor Break Dragon, and
Dragonic Vanquisher. All of those units are dirt cheap, and since Vermillion costs $14 by itself, it makes a hell of a moneysaver. In the end, You should end up running 4 Crimson, 2 Vermilion and 2 of the other Ride Options. All of the above units should work since they get critical, so in the late game, they can act as a finisher.
Grade 2
I'm here to take your life... |
Crimson has a few Grade 2 options. One of them is
Dragonic Deathscythe, since this deck needs a few units that does make use of the Couterblasts (Although buying it is a bit of a problem... Why not run 2?). Then there is
Dusty Plasma Dragon, a 12k attacker for Vermilion... But there's an issue. You need to be in Legion to use the skill... in which case,
Heat Blade Dragoon might work better. Then
Lisei might work... Exept once again the problem, Legion. Unless you end up using the Legion skill every turn, I wouldn't use it. Then another option is
Voltage Horn Dragon which is a RR, so I wouldn't usually recommend this, except that there's no other viable choice for Crimson...
Grade 1
Zap! What? It tickles? |
You don't especially have to use the PGG in this deck, since this deck isn't Counterblast heavy at all. Just hand up with the normal PGs. Either way, after that we have quite a few choices for the Grade 1 lineup... Firstly we
need to run 4
Egghelm Dracokid. Withought this Crimson wouldn't be a viable choice because of the Limit Break restriction. Then we have
Rising Phoenix to speed up Legion, and draw a card. That draw is really good, and you can repeat the chain by riding Crimson on top of Crimson, use Phoenix to draw one card and soulblast, then continue the chain again and again. Pull it off, and it's really worth it.
Stand up Stand up Tachiyagariyo~ |
After Phoenix we have
the normal 8k vanila, (By the way Vanilas are a viable option in any non-sub-clan deck)
Arc, and finally,
Mighty Bolt Dragoon. Piglema is a Generation Break so a bit of a problem, but it should pay off from time to time. Arc makes a 10k booster (Which is better than a 12k attacker) and Mighty Bolt, you can run if you decide to run Vanquisher. You can ride Vanquisher and play Stride game until you get Crimson.
Grade 0
So firstly, the
new Starter is horrible. Don't run him. Going positive now, Crimson has quite a few Starter options. Firstly is
Brawler, Fighting Dracokid. As I said, this deck doesn't Counterblast at all, so heavy Counterblasting units are a viable option, and Fighting Dracokid fits the bill almost too perfectly. Crimson retires attackers, but it can't do a thing about boosters. Fighting Dracokid can!
After that, there's
Volt Knuckle Dracokid. This boosting Crimson in Legion can hit 32k, and the condition is too easy to pull off. Then the next to the best option aside from these is
Spark Kid Dragoon. Run one of these 3 or don't build the deck. They're just that good.
But even better than those three we give
Saishin a special special mention for being amazing. Starter sniping from time to time wins you the game.
Note: I
highly support building your own decks and doing your own testings.
Please do not straight out use this deck, but use it as a base to start
and spread out and make your own Version.
Grade 0
Grade 1:
Grade 2:
Grade 3:
Grade 4:
Effectiveness: 6/10
Price: $65-75
Competetive: Yes
Final Words: This deck's front row spam attacking is amazing, and honestly your opponent won't put up front rows that often, and this soo punishes rush decks, and is overall amazing. 10/10 would play. The deck is pretty autopilot, and is definitely up for competitive play.
with all the extra stuff that came out, any chance will this deck will be updated? The list is pretty solid especially since it's really budget.