Friday 3 July 2015

Budget Deck: Dark Irregulars (Rigil)

Now, as I've covered in the G-BT03 Review, Dark Irregulars got some awesome, Awesome support. Now, they got hand replenishment, massive Soulcharging, and amazing effects and powering up like Jewel Knights.

... That being said the best build around is still Amons... So I've been trying to struggle and find the second best deck in DI; and I believe I have found my current favorite deck. Psychic of Storm, Rigil, is an amazing card. First his second skill. He can persona- Soulblast for a SC of 5. Now aside from Doreens going off (Which they aren't) it's overall a Soulcharge 4. A Soulcharge 4. Do you have any idea how good this is? Not only does this get you closer to the wanted 15 soul, it activates other units in the deck that require 10 soul. So, instant skills unlocked? Okay I'm loving this.

That's not the only good thing about Rigil. He has a freaking amazing Legion skill. Whenever you have 15 or more soul and you attack, he can CB2 and Retire freaking 3. 3. Bruno, Doreen, Grade 1s against Sanctuary Guard, whatever annoying unit that exists in the field is now gone. Freaking bam. Say bye. And also, Retiring 3 once, apparantly, is enough to cut down my opponent's recourses to just about nothing. Whenever I use the skill twice my opponent has about 2-3 cards in hand.

Grade 3

Where's the mate? It's
not in the pack!
So, Rigil is, as I said, amazing. Now you need a backup boss. I personally use Scharhrot Vampir and it works really well, but lemme just quickly go into the other units...

Amon Яeverse is a great backup, since... First of all it's Amon clone, which means that he can just sit on 21k like no one's buisness. Second of all he gets a crit, which comes in more useful than I imagined. Either way he just works fantastic.

Eh, I have someone in the wiki who uses Edel Rose as backup, and on paper it seems like it will work really well. I mean, if you use her with a teched in Scharlot you'll almost never ride her (Due to Scharlot having a searcher) and she can fetch you a Grade 2. This is useful. Otherwise? She's just Stride fodder.

Even Sweet Predator works here... Or in every deck.

 Dark Lord of Abyss is another option alternative to Amon Reverse, but I really prefer Amon because... He doesn't take up CB and also doesn't Soulcharge.

Hadar is the last thing I'll have to talk about. This has the same mate as Rigil and so is completely valid, and plus he has a great Legion skill. Now the only problem? Comparing this to Scharlot, it soulcharges way too slowly. Like, really. You ride him at 2 soul... And then what? Nothing. This guy relies too heavilly on RGs to Soulcharge, but unlike Amon Reverse doesn't make up for it. It isn't that bad so you might consider using it though. Although. The effect is really powerful (21 collumns all day!) and great, but the only problem is that he's never the first optional ride. Still, it's better to run him than not, about 2 at least.

Grade 4

 Grills de Rais
Gilles de Rais is our Persona flipper... Which I'd avoid in most decks... But this... Is too good to pass by. 15 soul and bam! Crit, +10k, and a Glory skill. Come on this can't be not great. And he's relatively the cheapest Persona Flipper around with a price of only $10. Try to afford as many as possible.

After that, Kisskill Lila is an amazing card. On-hit SC2 and draw one. Ignoring the Soulcharge the draw is amazing. That handsize 10/10 would take. Then the SC2 does come in handy, so yeah.

Demagogue is... Not as great as it looks. Unless you have a deck around pulling this guy off by running Creepers and etc, this won't be that impressive. I'd still run 1 because he is good situationally (Or I don't wanna Kisskill because deckout is a thing) so yeah. Oh hey, this guy in a deck focused around Doreen could be amazing...

Grade 0

Finding Ordonazz...
What the hell is an Ordonazz?
Starter? Oh pfft. The best starter in DI right now (That is not Amon) is Werfleder Ordonnaz. Come on this is great. Provided that you Soulcharged 1 with something before using this, you can use this to SC3, and get into instant 6 soul. And draw. Screw GB1 6 soul with little work is always worth it.

Trigger lineup... So crits are crits, and then Shirlies are Shirlies. Then there's Monochrome of Nightmareland who... Isn't impressive. At most she's good because of the tiny unflip there that can unlock Rigil multiple times, but meh, I'd rather use something other than Stands.

Grade 2

Volcanic Dust...
So Rigil's mate, Izaya should be used at 4. Sure, this is a 9k Vanila most of the time, but run any less than that and the possibilities of it going insane and all 3 going into the soul is high. If it goes into the abyss known as the Soul there's no return unless Rigil that's already in Legion lends a hand. Also when it becomes a Doreen it becomes a Doreen and hits for 41k so yeah.

I found Knife Conductor working really well in this deck, due to the 12k boosted by Masquerade hitting magic numbers.

Flirtatious Succubus is one of the ways on how to Soulcharge for Werfinder. I'd personally max her out but meh, it's up to you.

Squall Maker Vampir is DI's Amber clone that's hitting for like, $2 or so. I'm not sure if I like slow GB1 Soulchargers, but that 5k should come in handy. Try it out.

Werwolf Sieger is a 10k Vanila that can be searched out by Edel Rose and can be boosted for 21k with Masquerade. Your choice.

Grade 1

So, in this deck, using Rigil to the max is important, so I run the PGG in this deck. It works really well and I'd recommend if possible, but if it isn't then there's no problem.

Alluring Succubus is yet another way to SC for Werfinder. I'd run, personallly.

Dimension Creeper and Killing Dollmaster are the two Main phase Soulchargers... Which is unneccesary here. Unless you have Doreens to run. Creeper really isn't worth the deck thinning and while Dollmaster's SC3 is good, it's restricted to main phase starting point only. Also the next unit takes up a lot of space.

Lunatic Masquerade is our budget Doreen in this deck. That being said it needs useful attackers that hit for at least 10k to be useful. Well, considering that you'd run Knife Conductor or Sieger or something along those lines, I'd run him. Also boosting the VG it becomes... Err, awesome.

Succubus of Pure Love is the Stride fodder, and also the Scharlot searcher. I'd run at least 3.

Now, there are two very good tech-ins in the deck. Amon's Follower, Fools Palm and Visionary Gemini. I find myself having no triggers in the drop so I really find Fool's Palm useful, and Visionary Gemini at 1 is really useful. I'll leave it up to testing in the end though.

Note: I highly support building your own decks and doing your own testings. Please do not straight out use this deck, but use it as a base to start and spread out and make your own Version.

Grade 0:
Grade 1:
Grade 2:
Grade 3:
Grade 4:
 Effectiveness: 7/10

Price: $40-50

Competetive: Yes

Final Words: This deck manage everything decently. Hand, field, decent skills, everything. It's great. All you have to do is be wary of deckout and you're on your way to become a great player. Anyway the deck isn't Autopilot (It took me at least a month to get the hang of it) but is really fun to use anyway. It is competetive but not really the best build. Still, it's great.


  1. How does Great Demon, Soulless Demagogue make your front row into Amons? It only gives them +1K for every card you soul charged during that main phase.

    1. Not exactly Amons. Well I guess I should have said that they turn into a Doreen - Amon mix, but the same thing. Ignoring the fact that Dimensional Creeper activates the 1k twice, they're Amons.

    2. That's not even close to being Amon.

  2. great deck,but the price is a little bit to high,DI sucks because of the sudden increasing price of amon :V


    1. There really isn't much to update, aside from G-Zone stuff, so I don't think it really needs one.
