Saturday 4 July 2015

Budget Deck: Nova Grapplers (Blaus)

Badass Robos
Blaus are a group of badass blue robots with awesome skills. They absolutely lack support and you can't make a deck full of Blaus, so you need to tech in a few cards. But despite lacking support, they work quite nicely, and can work on budget.

Blaus originated from this Ride Chain that was released on BT04 (Maan a long time ago), but thanks to a bunch of Rambling and begging for more support for Stern, Bushi for once, decided to give them a whole Archtype. And the testing results were... Dramatically good. Stern got a crossride, Blaus got an amazing Break Ride, and probably the best hand engine in the entire game.

Now, playing budget Blaus is a bit harder than normal, since both Galaxy and Mond are at $13 or so, but there are a lot of decent options out there.

Grade 3

So firstly, Stern himself is preety decent (Ignoring that conditional 11k) since his skill makes a Restand early game. How is this relevant? Simply because you can just abuse the fact that you're going first to beatdown your opponent at Grade 2. All you have to do is get rushed, and then Pressure down your opponent. At Grade 2, he'll probably PG it or take it. If he PGs, it's fine, since late game our plan revolves on on-hitting (Will be explained later). If he doesn't? Restand early. Good Game.

Now, the other options we have are... Preety terrible withought Mond and Galaxy. The only other Grade 3 that has 11k is Merkur Blaukluger, which is just... JUST BAD. (Art aside) Who the hell thought of that Limit Break? CB2 is just overcosted, and more if it's Especial. I mean, a full Blau deck isn't possible as of for now so you'll most likely never use the skill (Nor will you ever want to). The only reason why you'd want to use this? The second skill which gives a 2k whenever a unit Stands during the battle phase, and the fact that this is an 11k Blau.

Grade 4

Tribrut? Really Bushi?
This should be preety obvious, right? 4 of Vic-Ten. Now, unlike normal, this isn't going to be just backup. This is going to be our Late game boss. How? Well, late game Stern has almost 0 uses, and we can't really rely on Merkur (If you somehow can, you're a genius) so we have to rely on our G-zone. And oh hey, Vic-Ten fits perfectly with the on-hit theme of Blau! Plus, that 5k boost of power is really useful. I'll go into depth when I discuss the Grade 2s and 1s.

For the other Grade 4s, the only options that are avaliable are Tribrut (Former Tribute) and Victoplasma. Tribrut is really just a 1-2 of to run, since it's really situational, but I'd use 4 just in case I have to G-assist. Victoplasma costs too much CB, and it's expensive, but it's one of the best finishers around. Run 2 if wallet forgives it.

Grade 2

Blau means Blue... BLUE!
So, we have a few (lolz) options for our Grade 2s. Firstly, Blaukluger to bring up Stern to 11k (The possibility to ride him isn't that high, but still) and that on-hit unflip makes Morgenrot more useful. Jupiter Blaukluger is a Vanila, and while Jack seems better, there are few mentionable facts. One is that Jack costs a CB (This is a CounterBlast heavy deck) and the other is that Jupiter is a Blue... I mean Blau. So Morgenrot can search it out.

Grosse Baer (Baer?) is our Blau 12k attacker. I guess he's usable, but it's unfortunate that he himself isn't a Blau. Oh and by the way Eisenkugel is bad. Grosse Baer can do it for 9k, and it isn't Stern Restricted. Plus if you end up riding him...

As always, Cool Hank is a great option. With the right comboes the skill can be used twice resulting in a deadly assault.

Starlight Hedgehog is a good card if you can somehow gurantee that you'll Stand the RG. The draw is really good, and that unflip helps a lot.

Hungry Dumpty solves the unflip problem a bit, but I'd go with Storm instead.

Extreme Battler, Sazanda sorta makes Merkur's Limit Break a bit more worth it, but not by a whole league. It's only usable if you plan on Standing it with Vic-Ten.

I've saved the best for last. Mars Blaukluger is an amazing unit. Restanding as a 14k attacker's preety impressive, and the fact that it's on-hit gives your Vanguard a ton of pressure.  The counterblast is a problem, but it's worth it. Combine this with Vic-Ten, and imagine the pressure and the collumn you'll be making.

Grade 1

So, firstly, we have Blaupanzer, but this guy serves almost 0 purpose in this deck, aside from giving the possibility of turning Blaukluger into a 10k (Unnecesary, really), being a Stern searcher, and being searchable by Morgenrot. Well, there aren't much other Grade 1 Blaus, so...

Blau Dunkelheit is our PG (That's searchable by Morgenrot) and it's only $2! It makes PGs a lot cheaper.

 Energy Charger is okay, but if you blast a Blaukluger when you're Vanguard is Stern... It'll be preety devastating.


Polar Stern is our Kay clone, and has more Value in NG more than ever. We're not using it to rush, but to use it as a 10k attacker. It can be used, I guess, but it's sorta overshadowed by the next unit.

Flower Ray Leprechaun is the Mars Blaukluger clone aside from the fact that it doesn't have Blau in it's name, and that it's a Grade 1. A booster. Do you know what this means? You can put this behind Mars and have another RG that hits 1 stage (Read: Grosse Baer) and attack with Vic-Ten, to make the best Pressure Vanguard in the universe. Come on, free 2 attacks of 2/4 is not to be underestimated. This is great. It just is. It's the best way to play Blaus late game.

Grade 0

So... We have 3 options of Starter in a this deck. MorgenrotRunbhol and Blaujunger. Now, while Mongenrot applies a lot of hand size, Blaujunger is the Ride chain Grade 0, which means riding Blaukluger and Stern being an 11k is almost 100% guranteed. Runbhol is the re-booster whenever you stand another front row unit, and used with Cool hank it becomes really scary. In the end, it's up to you.

The trigger lineup? Criticals are an obvious, but I've yet to experiment with Stands, although I got quite a few situations in where Stands would have been useless. You can try it out, and tell me the results. I also ran Draws (Which synergizes well with Stern) and I'm happy with the results. Try various stuff, since NG trigger lineup is one of the most difficult thing to figure out in the deck.

Note: I highly support building your own decks and doing your own testings. Please do not straight out use this deck, but use it as a base to start and spread out and make your own Version.

Grade 0:
Grade 1:
Grade 2:
Grade 3:

Grade 4:


Effectiveness: 8/10

Price: $30-40

Competetive: Yes

Final Words: This deck, my friends, is simply a masterpiece. I love how it ended up and I plan to keep it this way. I'm really tempted to build this IRL but unfortunately I can't, due to... Wait, why can't I build it again?!

Anyway this is defenitely a competetive build (For this cheap? WOW) and could top tourneys. It isn't Autopilot, that's for sure, but master it and you'll be granted great power... Okay I'll stop.

Anyway the deck itself is extremely efficient and competetive and I'd recommend this extremely for anyone. Extremely cheap and extremely efficient.