Friday 8 July 2016

Update: Tachimas' life

Summer break started!

... No, that's a lie. Summer break started a week ago. That being said, I had to go out of country till just recently, then when I came back, Pokemon Go appeared, making everything in my schedule list to go mayhem. Not to mention, I haven't been active in checking either the news nor the market recently, which makes me actually need to research stuff heavily before I can write again. However; you can expect me to start blogging again pretty damned soon.

Oh, and as most of you have noticed by now, AdSense has been activated in this blog, allowing me to make $$$ with the thing. Hey, making a few bucks for decks helps :P

On a more on-topic note, from what I've checked back into the metagame, it's been extremely fun compared to when I left off (pre-Sebreeze era). A lot of decks that lurked in the shadows became valid for competitive play, namely Seal Dragons. Angel Feathers are now... well, what Angel Feathers are. Tachi got a massive boost that will turn soon cheap when the TB gets reprinted (or at least from what I was told).

Anyways, I'll go walk another few kilometres to hatch my egg in Pokemon Go. Adios!

Edit: As my first deed since coming back to the scene, I decided to remove the old chat function and replaced it with a discord channel (the invite should be in the blog page), since that seems more ideal.  Whoever wants to join can join. It's a pretty simple server at the moment, but that can change. Who knows, maybe we can hold tourneys arranged with the discord chat soon.

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