Tuesday 27 September 2016

Set Review: G Trial Deck 9 True Zodiac Time Beasts

I was really excited for Zodiac Time Beasts to be a thing. I was. Until they started making the group of cards into beaters. Still, ZTB has some good cards that warrant a purchase of the deck.
So first we have the stride of the deck Metapulsar, Huang-Long. He's pretty damn good, giving a nice and easy +1 to and or an extra attack. And don't forget all the Dragonball jokes you can make now.

Chronojet Dragon G ain't to shabby. Free time leap on-stride is pretty good for toolboxing the units that you need. His first skill is actually pretty deadly too when used with Nextage. Is it better thanOG Jet? Arguable, but the Chronojet name will probably make it see some play.

Tiger G gets a pretty nice rewind skill that pays 1 for 1 in card advantage. Works amazingly well with Ur-water and Lacina-bel, which get you +1s when they are put into the bind.

Imi's one of those new 14k beater Grade 3s, but her second skill that reduces her grade by 2 is great, since Gears have a much harder focus on Grade 2s. And 21k columns with 7k boosters is good.

Serpent and Peccary. 10k and 8k Vanillas. Standard.

The following are just plain powerups, so this will be quick:

Monkey is CB 1 +5000 power. Hits magic numbers with 7k boosters.

Buffalo is CONT +2000 power. Hits 11k vanguards solo.

Jackal is on-attack +4000 power. Hits 11k vanguards solo

Unicorn gives +3000 to any ZTB on call. Fixes rows pretty easily.

They're not bad by any means, but they're a bit disappointing considering how much hype they had.

Striking Fist Colossus is the 15k interceptor.

Rishuma would be great if she didn't have a discard cost. She's still ok, but isn't very useful in the long run.

Repel-circuit Dragon is another vanilla PG. Looks frickin beast. I mean, it's illustrated by NINNIN so it's a given it looks amazing.

Dran G, as a card, is really good. Being able to toolbox any ZTB is great, but until we get better ZTBs just stick to OG Dran or Tick Tock.

Rest of deck is Triggers, but Luckypot Dracokid reprint three is cool, I guess.

Also, each TD has a guaranteed three hot stamped cards: One for Chronojet Dragon G and two for randomly selected ZTB cards.

Verdict: I'd buy it if you'd like to play ZTB, but it's gonna take some major revamps for a competitive build. The hot stamped cards are definitely something that collectors and rarity hunters are going to be looking for,

Anyhow, see you in the next one!



  1. at least their is the new sp deck xD, this was a dissapointment

  2. What would a sample ztb list look like?
