Monday 14 November 2016

Deck Spotlight: Stride! To the Perfect Future! (Demiurge)

While looking through the nets I found that a lot of people were at a loss with the way you should be playing Demiurge, so as the Gear Chronicle main that I am I decided to post my personal list.
God from the Machine
Note: This build is Post-Divine Dragon Caper(of which the set review will come soon), but the majority of the DDC stuff can be subbed in with other ZTBs. They serve the same purpose in this deck anyways.

1x Chrono Dran
1x Chrono Dran G/Chrono Tigar
4x Anarchia Idea-drone
1x Chronovolley Rabbit
1x Pulsar, Rush Boar
1x Chronotimer Leghorn
1x Pulsar, Hypnos Sheep
4x Chronodoze Sheep
4x Chronotherapy Hamster

4x Chanomai Idea-drone
4x Voltaro Idea-drone
1x Chronoethos Jackal
1x Chronodash Peccary
1x Chronocharge Unicorn
1x Pulsar, Stratos Falcon
1x Pulsar Tamer, Nepada

4x Kaigomai Idea-drone
2x Diaperno Idea-drone
1x Chronobeat Buffalo
1x Chronospin Serpent
1x Chronoclaw Monkey
1x Pulsar, Speedy Bunny
1x Pulsar Tamer, Lugal-ure

4x Prospatheia Idea-drone
0-1x Chronofang Tiger
1x Pulsar, Fluorescent Dragon
1x Chronofang Tiger G
1-2x Chronojet Dragon G

1x Deus Ex Machina, Demiurge
4x Deus Ex Machina, Ergos
4x Metapulsar, Altered Dragon(Once he releases in English)
2x Metapulsar, Huang-long
3x Uluru
2x Rahpbanna
... Well that's the longest decklist I've ever made.

Dat's a lotta faces bud
The deck's pretty straightforward, with the objective being to get out Demiurge ASAP. I use the Idea-drone engine, which I believe is the most efficient way of getting Demiurge out at the moment. Tiger builds will probably be better in the future, but as of now this is the best way.

First off, Zodiac Time Beasts. 1 copy of each one that's been released as of now, with the exception of Triggers. Makes this much, much more consistent and easier to pull off, essentially making Demiurge a 12 ZTB in bind rather than 12 different ZTB in bind.

Now about the Idea-drone Engine. Chanomai binds 2 every use, Prospatheia binds 2 every turn, and Kaigomai binds 1 when you use his skill. According to this, the process of hitting a Demiurge should take around... 3-4 turns or so if you play it right. Anarchaia's the hidden MVP of this deck, putting back all your needed Chanomais and Kaigomais and even helping to speed up your binding for Demiurge. Good stuff. If you don't have money for a full set of Prospatheias, you can sub out a copy or two for Ergasa Idea-drones.

G-Zone's... really awkward. Since the best G-Zone cards are all catered for Tiger/Jet you're stuck with a bunch of semi-bad stuff.

First, Ergos and Altered both speed up Demiurge Binds. Altered is best, but is currently only JPN so we're dealing with only Ergos right now(this is enough for now, since he'll probably go off early game). Huang-long's just here as a more aggressive option/plussing stride that can get out any excess ZTB or Idea-drones in your bind. Uluru is Uluru and Rahpbanna has some pretty crazy synergy with the deck. She tutors out all of your G0 ZTBs for binding with Prospatheia, as well as Anarchaia(Who is MVP). Rahpbanna's the second unsung hero in this deck. You could test out Pandora Chimera if you want, I guess.
Effectiveness: 4.5/10

Price: $40-45

Competitive: No

Final Words: It's Demiurge. I hope you didn't expect competitive. Way to inconsistent. But! This can do quite well for elite-casual if you can master this or can add the very-much-expensive Melem-History Maker engine. Melem, especially, pulls weight in this deck by tutoring G0s and is really good for the same reasons as Rahpbanna and History Maker's just a solid card.

If you just wanna have some fun and something different in Gears, I highly recommend giving this a go, even if it isn't competitive!

Anyhow, see you in the next one!



  1. Nice list, i wonder if this deck would do better if we were not in a format with Wisemen loop and OP gear varients.

    1. If you really want to not deal with Wiseman and Time Leap just tech-in Heteroround Dragons and ride into Jet G if necessary. The list can change alot if needed.

      Anyhow, Wiseman Loop isn't that strong and Time Leap can be played around if you know what you're doing

  2. Actually putting one copy of mystery flare dragon in this deck would be interesting

    1. Mystery-flare is on-hit. On-hits never go off late game.

      He also costs 4 Counterblast, so if you choose to build around him you're going to be very restricted in your choices.

    2. Nah, on hits go off if the opponent forgets that Mystery flare has an on hit skill =o

    3. That's like saying you're gonna hit if your opponent forgets that getting 6 damage makes you lose.

  3. Will you do a Luard deck profile?

    1. Probably. Other decks I wanna get through, though

  4. Will there be an update to this list with the new cards over the year.

  5. are you planning to post an update to this deck with the stuff from set 11/12/14?
