Saturday 27 June 2015

Budget Deck: Great Nature (Bigbelly)

Great Nature! The school paradise of Zoo! The students and teachers are animals!... Wait what?

Great Nature was a budget deck (And still is, at least compared to the other clans). But with G-BT02, Bigbelly and Managarm (A.K.A. Lava Arm) introduced, the price to a normal GN deck rose ridiculously. Fortunately, we can still make a very solid budget deck with our choices.

Firstly, I need to talk about something. When the End Phase starts, the actions of the G-unit going back to the G-zone and the units retiring, are activated simuntaniously. When an action starts simuntaniously, the turn player can choose which action activates first. So, you can return the G-unit to the G-zone, then retire. How is this important?

Simply put, you can still activate effects like Tester Fox's unflip even if you Strided that turn. This brings us a concept called Looping.

He's a Panda! Kawaii!
But Great Nature doesn't shine because of Loops (While it is interesting), it shines on the draw power. A GN deck can draw cards like a madman, it's not even funny. Not even Oracle Think Tank can beat that. This deck is completely gonna ignore the concept of Looping and go to drawing massacare.

So, the Strider we got from G-BT02 is named Bigbelly. The lazy professor that doesn't do anything but sit down, and let his students do his job. Eh, seriously, this is a preety good card. I mean watch him. He gives a on-hit drawing skill to two units of your choice, then you retire them at the end of your turn. The GB2? I guess it's not bad. You won't be using it most of the time but it just does the same thing as when you Stride (Saving the on-hit part).

So with our main boss being Bigbelly, we start our journey on making a drawing power monster.

Grade 4

So, Stride units are obviously a neccesity with Bigbelly. First up the list to talk about is Immortality Professor, Phoeniciax. Phoenicalix, upon release was called amazing and awesome and some people even cut Managarm to 2 just to run 4 of him and Cray Elementals. Now I can't really see that as amazing but apparantly it is, so anyway since this is budget run 4. Then Fighter's Collection gave us our on-hit Stride unit. Omniscience Dragon, Wisdom Teller Dragon is amazing, and gives a ton of hand (Since your opponent won't guard it probably), and you're gonna run 4 anyway.

But still, since Managarm is just $5, if you can run about 2.

Grade 3
Douchebad Sea Lion
So, Bigbelly is the focus, and you obviously need a backup boss (No, not that pictured unit, he's just there for humor) and I'd personally recommend Guru Tiger. My reason being first: The mate isn't completely useless (Actually, it's good) and it's a Legion. A Legion, who can prevent deckout. Plus that skill is actually good.

Another Legion is Tester Fox, but in this case the mate will get reduced to a Vanila. There's Original Leo-pald too, but it's a Limit Break. The most realistic backup to Bigbelly is Tusk Master, but I'd go for Guru Tiger.

Grade 2
Skill will never activate.

So, firstly, we have an interesting comparison. Sleepy Tapir and Binoculus Tiger. So, both have the exact the same skill, and since Tapir has Resist, I thought it was case closed. But when I tested a bit... The result was interesting. Sometimes, when Tapir ends up on the VG, then you can't use the skill, while Tiger can. While this doesn't seem much different whatsoever, it is. Sometimes you need to use the skill in the VG early game to rush, but you have no other ride targets. Then Binoculus is more useful. Either way, either one of them is fine, but you might want to consider Tiger.

Researcher Fox and Guru Wolf are a must if you're using Legion, but lemme talk about Wolf for a sec here. When I first saw Wolf, I thought "Ridikulous!" because... 20k? Are you kidding me? Until I tested him out, and saw the results. The 20k draw is really good. It includes the boosting power also, so all you need is a single power boost to activate it. It's amazing. It can be used in any GN deck out there.

Crayon Tiger is really good, and combined with Wolf, can have awesome pressure + synergy. Unfortunately he's the most expensive Amber clone out there of $5. *Sigh*

11k Grade 2, Vanila, GB1 12k, optional?

Grade 1
So, firstly Balloon Raccoon is an option, I guess, but it collides with Guru's skill, so I dunno.

For the PG, use Cable Sheep. I mean, you have 0 CB problems in this deck, and it's just a waste of money.

Duckbill should always be used at 4. FREAKING ALWAYS. It's amazing. Withought him, the draw power wouldn't be nearly as good.

Mr. Scavenger is a 20k fixer, just in case. It's sorta worth using, I guess.

Minibelly is a Stride Fodder, unneeded in this deck. This guy is great, and is Bigbely searcher (Which has it's uses if you decide to use Tusk Master).

Wash Up Racoon is a good card. It provides a copy of itself and prevents deckout. This is an important part, since it's easy as hell to deckout with this deck.

drop filler + draw, 6k bad racoon, Vanila.

Grade 0

We have quite a few options for Starters, but the top 3 is the following. Blackboard Parrot, Gardening Mole, and finally, Pencil Koala. Blackboard Parrot helps you draw, so it's useful, I guess. Gardening Mole returns a Retired unit into the hand, but... Meh? It sorta collides with the return to field skills. Among these, the best is Pencil Koala. It applies good Pressure, and it lets you draw. This is a perfect Vanguard booster. Either Stride or Legion. GB1? I couldn't care less. You tend to Stride before you Legion so it's no problem. And I mean, it makes it up with such an amazing skill!

Triggers? I see a lot of people using 12 Crits, but I tested with Draws, and it worked fine. But since this deck has not much finishing power if you can't rush early game, 12 crit might work decently too.

Also, make sure to use Ruler Chameleon. It does take out the critical trigger out from the deck, but it's worth it, since it helps early rush.

Note: I highly support building your own decks and doing your own testings. Please do not straight out use this deck, but use it as a base to start and spread out and make your own Version.

Grade 0
  • 16 Triggers of choice (Including 4 Ruler Chameleon)
  • Pencil Koala x1
Grade 1:
Grade 2:
Grade 3:
Grade 4:
 Effectiveness: 7/10

Price: $30-40

Competetive: Yes

Final Words: GN is a clan that's been okay for a long time, then got an amazing buff all at once. Now it's just OTT with High-spamming attack power, and is overall great. We're also fortunate that Bigbelly's price went down a notch and... you know.

So this deck is borderline competetive but isn't really meant at all for casual play, so that's there. I would use this in competetive play and schit, but yeah.

The deck is not autopilot since GN in general isn't "Autopilot.

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