Tick Tock Tick Tock! |
Firstly, I want to talk about Ragnaclock Dragon. This is an amazing finisher unit for GC. It gives a Silent Tom skill to himself and a crit for just one CB. So this is a staple for all GC decks.
Did you catch that? It's the forbidden Foiled Staple.
This costs like $20 for one. For One. People this is ridiculous as hell.
Ragnaclock in a budget deck is out. Out out out. But thinking positively, everything but Ragnaclock is budget in GC, so I thought that it'd be easy to write a GC article. unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. I had to think of a specific idea. on that course... A fellow wikia member, Hikari 93 (A.K.A. Hiki) recently updated his list of Vanguard Fanfictions, and reading that made me interested and piqued my interest. So basically, the founder of this deck advising blog is Hiki.
Now now, I do need to give him credit, don't I? Here's the link to his Fanfic. Go check it out.
Anyway, going straight into the deck... If you went and read the fanfic, then you should know what deck this should be. If you didn't, then I'll tell you. Glory skilling GC.
It's actually a possible story, since GC has a monster load of Glory skilling cards. I'm not sure about how it'll work but I'll try anyway.
So, firstly, I'll talk about the mascot of GC. This is mostly, a Staple of 4 in every single GC deck. I mean, GC doesn't have much better options, so there's no avoiding it. Unless you wanna run a Legion GC (Possible) you need 4.
Then, I'll talk about Fate Wheel Dragon. At first upon release, this was hyped up and was called second best GC Grade 3. Then the hype died down and the people bumped down his price like crazy. Perfect for a budget deck! The Guard Restricting GB1 skill fits the deck, and isn't as useless as people think. Once, I read a comment saying "You can guard with 3 Grade 1s fr Fatewheel for a 2 to pass." Eh, you do realize that you just lost 3 cards from hand, and that that isn't including boosting, right? With one booster Fate Wheel can become a "PG or die" unit.
Then let's see... Nixie Number Dragon is a decent unit, but shouldn't be used for Tech-in. It should be used as a main card. I mean, unless you have a Grade 2 lineup full of Rewinding (Putting RGs to the bottom of deck) it can't be used every single turn. Try and use him, and see the results. You're welcome to try.
Fate Wheel replacement, Good Promo, decent Late game finisher, What the hell.
There's the last one unit to talk about: Ruin Disposal Dragon. It's a Re-Legion, that can fuel up the soul (It's important) and Rewind one at the same time. It has it's uses.
So, the Grade 2 has it's options.
First up, Blaster Blade... Err, Relic Master Dragon. He can CB2 on call to Rewind one unit Grade 2 or less. There are pros and cons for this unit. Firstly, he isn't a GB1, so he can snipe a starter the moment he's called. This is really annoying people. Starter sniping is great. But the con is... That he's a CB2. And GC is a Counterblast heavy deck. That's preety much reason of why you shouldn't use him. Eh, at 1-2 as tech in might not be bad, but still.
If you don't have enough free counterblast, but still want to starter snipe and don't care about 8k G2s, look no further than Kalibum.
Then, Glimmer Breath Dragon. This is a really good card, since he can CB1 and SB1 for a Rewind and +2k. But! Foiled card, as a Staple. You can put it inside your deck if you want, but still. Also that Chronojet restriction really hurts for this deck, since your Vanguard isn't always gonna be a Chronojet Dragon.
Then we have the Guard restricting Stars! First up is Steam Maiden, Ishin. This can do a CB1 and get a Silent Tom skill - If a unit was Rewinded. If it was an unconditional Silent Tom the turn that a unit was Rewinded, then it might be better... But that CB1 hurts. A lot. People, you don't even know. GC is a counterblast heavy deck.
The other Silent Tom we have is Steam Knight, Puzur-Ili. It can do a SB of 2 and get a Silent Tom equating skill. Now, the first time I saw this I thought "Meh." because? I mean, a cost of SB2 means that it's once per game, and that Silent Tom skill wasn't really impressive at my eyes.
I was SO wrong.
Giving a Silent Tom skill to a Grade 2 unit is horribly scary. You'd usually use a 10k Grade 0 to guard a Grade 2 with booster. But! If you can't? You need to drop a Grade 1 and 2. While this really doesn't seem like a big deal, it is. You squeeze out two decent boosters and attackers from the hand. That's great. Your opponent's guarding zone and attacking zone instantly decreased. See? These are great.
But well, the Soul and Resources might be a problem, but no need to worry! By Re-riding and Re-Legioning with Ruin Disposal, you can get all the soul you want, and if you control the number of times Chronojet is used, and run Gear Horse, the CB usage should be reduced to an extent.
We also have another Tom in the form of Lugal, so run as you please.
So firstly, Steam Fighter, Mesh-he is a decent unflipping engine for GC. The Soulblast is unfortunate, but it's still good. It is a fact that he fights for Soul with Puzur-Ili though. Ur-ningin's better if you're focusing on Chronojet, though.
Brasswing Dragon is a Kay clone. And as I said, Kay clones are great!
...Except is it? It's a GB1, so you need to wait before you can attack with him, and it can't be used for rush. Bad.
Steam Breath Dragon is unnecesary in this deck. One, you don't need Chronojet. Two: You don't want to Stride all the time. The End.
Withdrawn Gear Raven is the Budget PG of GC, and Ul-nin (Ninja!) is a Drop and Draw. Dizkal is a replacement Kay clone as a 9k attacker, and Gigi is another card that fights for the soul. Run or not, it's up to you,
You have three starter options in GC deck. Brass Feather Gearhawk, Gunnergear Dracokid, and Timepiece Dracokid. First of all: Trust me and don't run Gearhawk unless you run a Pegasus deck. So, we have Gunnergear and Timepiece left. Timepiece has a 40% chance of failing so obviously Gunnergear! But I see people using Timepiece from time to time with the excuse of "Gunnergear's too late if you're gradestuck." okay fine? Go head.
Triggers. I need to talk about the Stands before anything. Do not run Wakey Wakey Worker nor Vainglory-dream Gear Cat for their Skills. Run them as Stands with additional skills that you'll never use, not for the skills. You have been warned.
Draws? Good question... I wouldn't run Draws because no synergy? But there is the Margal clone to fuel soul for Puzur-ili, so run as you please.
Eh, you'll Stride once or twice a game, so anything is fine... If you have Lost Age Dragon, use it, no matter what. Mystery-flare Dragon is sorta viable, and Epoch-maker Dragon is another budget. Faterider Dragon is yet another budget.
(Robot: Fiery March aka. budget Ragnaclock is now a thing, so go crazy with it"
NOTE: This is only an example decklist and should only be used as a base. I recommend that you create your own decklist through your own testing. I found this decklist to fit me, but it is up to you to find a decklist that fits you.
Grade 0:
1x Gunnergear Dracokid
16x Triggers of Choice
Grade 1:
4x PG of Choice
4x Steam Fighter, Dizkal
4x Steam Figher, Mesh-he/Steam Fighter, Ur-ningin
2x Steam Maiden, Ul-nin
Grade 2:
4x Steam Knight, Puzur-ili
4x Steam Knight, Lugak
3x Steam Knight, Kalium
Grade 3:
4x Chronojet Dragon
4x Fatewheel Dragon/Ruin Disposal Dsragon
Grade 4:
4x Fiery March Colossus
4x Interdimensional Dragon, Lost Age Dragon(Optional)
2x Interdimensional Dragon, Epoch-maker Dragon
2x Interdimensional Dragon, Faterider Dragon
4x Retroactive Time Maiden, Uluru
Effectiveness: 6.5/10
Price: $20-30
Competitive: Maybe
Anyway, going straight into the deck... If you went and read the fanfic, then you should know what deck this should be. If you didn't, then I'll tell you. Glory skilling GC.
It's actually a possible story, since GC has a monster load of Glory skilling cards. I'm not sure about how it'll work but I'll try anyway.
Grade 3
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Jet of time, Dragon! |
Then, I'll talk about Fate Wheel Dragon. At first upon release, this was hyped up and was called second best GC Grade 3. Then the hype died down and the people bumped down his price like crazy. Perfect for a budget deck! The Guard Restricting GB1 skill fits the deck, and isn't as useless as people think. Once, I read a comment saying "You can guard with 3 Grade 1s fr Fatewheel for a 2 to pass." Eh, you do realize that you just lost 3 cards from hand, and that that isn't including boosting, right? With one booster Fate Wheel can become a "PG or die" unit.
Then let's see... Nixie Number Dragon is a decent unit, but shouldn't be used for Tech-in. It should be used as a main card. I mean, unless you have a Grade 2 lineup full of Rewinding (Putting RGs to the bottom of deck) it can't be used every single turn. Try and use him, and see the results. You're welcome to try.
Fate Wheel replacement, Good Promo, decent Late game finisher, What the hell.
There's the last one unit to talk about: Ruin Disposal Dragon. It's a Re-Legion, that can fuel up the soul (It's important) and Rewind one at the same time. It has it's uses.
Grade 2
So, the Grade 2 has it's options.
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Worst Tiger Ever. |
If you don't have enough free counterblast, but still want to starter snipe and don't care about 8k G2s, look no further than Kalibum.
Then, Glimmer Breath Dragon. This is a really good card, since he can CB1 and SB1 for a Rewind and +2k. But! Foiled card, as a Staple. You can put it inside your deck if you want, but still. Also that Chronojet restriction really hurts for this deck, since your Vanguard isn't always gonna be a Chronojet Dragon.
Then we have the Guard restricting Stars! First up is Steam Maiden, Ishin. This can do a CB1 and get a Silent Tom skill - If a unit was Rewinded. If it was an unconditional Silent Tom the turn that a unit was Rewinded, then it might be better... But that CB1 hurts. A lot. People, you don't even know. GC is a counterblast heavy deck.
The other Silent Tom we have is Steam Knight, Puzur-Ili. It can do a SB of 2 and get a Silent Tom equating skill. Now, the first time I saw this I thought "Meh." because? I mean, a cost of SB2 means that it's once per game, and that Silent Tom skill wasn't really impressive at my eyes.
I was SO wrong.
Giving a Silent Tom skill to a Grade 2 unit is horribly scary. You'd usually use a 10k Grade 0 to guard a Grade 2 with booster. But! If you can't? You need to drop a Grade 1 and 2. While this really doesn't seem like a big deal, it is. You squeeze out two decent boosters and attackers from the hand. That's great. Your opponent's guarding zone and attacking zone instantly decreased. See? These are great.
But well, the Soul and Resources might be a problem, but no need to worry! By Re-riding and Re-Legioning with Ruin Disposal, you can get all the soul you want, and if you control the number of times Chronojet is used, and run Gear Horse, the CB usage should be reduced to an extent.
We also have another Tom in the form of Lugal, so run as you please.
Grade 1
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Metal Greymon!!! |
Brasswing Dragon is a Kay clone. And as I said, Kay clones are great!
...Except is it? It's a GB1, so you need to wait before you can attack with him, and it can't be used for rush. Bad.
Steam Breath Dragon is unnecesary in this deck. One, you don't need Chronojet. Two: You don't want to Stride all the time. The End.
Withdrawn Gear Raven is the Budget PG of GC, and Ul-nin (Ninja!) is a Drop and Draw. Dizkal is a replacement Kay clone as a 9k attacker, and Gigi is another card that fights for the soul. Run or not, it's up to you,
Grade 0
You have three starter options in GC deck. Brass Feather Gearhawk, Gunnergear Dracokid, and Timepiece Dracokid. First of all: Trust me and don't run Gearhawk unless you run a Pegasus deck. So, we have Gunnergear and Timepiece left. Timepiece has a 40% chance of failing so obviously Gunnergear! But I see people using Timepiece from time to time with the excuse of "Gunnergear's too late if you're gradestuck." okay fine? Go head.
Triggers. I need to talk about the Stands before anything. Do not run Wakey Wakey Worker nor Vainglory-dream Gear Cat for their Skills. Run them as Stands with additional skills that you'll never use, not for the skills. You have been warned.
Draws? Good question... I wouldn't run Draws because no synergy? But there is the Margal clone to fuel soul for Puzur-ili, so run as you please.
Grade 4
Eh, you'll Stride once or twice a game, so anything is fine... If you have Lost Age Dragon, use it, no matter what. Mystery-flare Dragon is sorta viable, and Epoch-maker Dragon is another budget. Faterider Dragon is yet another budget.
(Robot: Fiery March aka. budget Ragnaclock is now a thing, so go crazy with it"
NOTE: This is only an example decklist and should only be used as a base. I recommend that you create your own decklist through your own testing. I found this decklist to fit me, but it is up to you to find a decklist that fits you.
Grade 0:
1x Gunnergear Dracokid
16x Triggers of Choice
Grade 1:
4x PG of Choice
4x Steam Fighter, Dizkal
4x Steam Figher, Mesh-he/Steam Fighter, Ur-ningin
2x Steam Maiden, Ul-nin
Grade 2:
4x Steam Knight, Puzur-ili
4x Steam Knight, Lugak
3x Steam Knight, Kalium
Grade 3:
4x Chronojet Dragon
4x Fatewheel Dragon/Ruin Disposal Dsragon
Grade 4:
4x Fiery March Colossus
4x Interdimensional Dragon, Lost Age Dragon(Optional)
2x Interdimensional Dragon, Epoch-maker Dragon
2x Interdimensional Dragon, Faterider Dragon
4x Retroactive Time Maiden, Uluru
Price: $20-30
Competitive: Maybe
i wil love to se you do trils deck budget maybe 1 td6 and 2 td9
ragerock drgon looks like a dark dinosaur