Wednesday 1 July 2015

Set Review: G Booster Set 3 Soverign Star Dragon


G Booster Set 3: Sovereign Star Dragon, is the 3rd G-Booster Set released in English. This set, has so much that I need to cover, from Budget to Skill to Analysis. So let's get straight into it.


Firstly, lemme talk about the two GRs that were introduced in the set. Phantom Blaster Dragon and Amnesty Messiah. Now now, originally GRs were just a little bit rarer than RRRs, but when this set came out, they became way rarer than RRRs. Thanks to that, my Budget motto was crushed, and GRs escaped from the options.

Either way, PBD BR is just Stupid. It meaninglessly helped rise PBO's price into the sky and made a non-budget friendly shineregance monster. Amnesty? Skill wise he's a Staple in every single Messiah deck. Staple. STAPLE. The forbidden word of Budgetfight Vanguard. FOILED STAPLE. As a GR no less. All Messiah budget players, you're free to cry now. This needs to be at 2-3 to utilize Awaking Messiah comboes, but hey, a GR staple. Bad bad bad.


So, let's move on to the RRRs. First up the list, is the Ace card of the Budget Key Clan of this set- Dark Irregulars! Dark Irregulars got a really decent support in this set, making them totally playable and just pure great. The card we're talking about is Gilles de Rais. Now, what is good about this card? First is that he's underhyped, making him a $10 card. Great! And the second to the best thing about this is that: He is an amazing finisher. With all the support DI got in this set, 15 soul isn't impossible, and the effect is great. He gets so many things at once! +10k, a Glory skill, a Critical. That's a lot of stuff right there, and useful as hell. You can now build Yggdrasil type DIs, with Budget.

Then after that, we have a Noobtrap that made me facepalm so hard. Before going into him, I'll talk about the Gold Paladin Strider. Sunrise Ray Knight, Gurguit is a great unit. His GB2 could have been better (It isn't bad, but it isn't that good either) but let's talk about the second skill. He can CB1 to call a unit from the top 4 cards, and superial call one. This is actually good, from the calling to the Power boost. It's a great effect since you get an unconditional +1 for 1 CB.

Now to go to the unit that I was talking about earlier. Golden Dragon, Spear Cross Dragon, is a horribly made Noobtrap card. Sure, at first glance it seems good, since he can technically Superial call 5, but look at it closely.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2) & Choose a face down card named "Golden Dragon, Spear Cross Dragon" from your G zone, and turn it face up] When this unit is placed on (VC), if the number of face up cards in your G zone is one or more, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at five cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card from among them for each face up card you have in your G zone, call them to separate open (RC), and shuffle your deck.

Flaws, Flaws, and flaws all over. First, he needs face-up G-units to call Rear-Guards. This means that he needs to wait until late game to get his full effect. Then, he's a CB2 card, on a CB heavy deck. And oh hey, there are even more flaws. It can only call to Open RG. While this doesn't seem like a big deal, it is. By late game, you would have used Gurguit to fill up the whole field, which means full RGs. And this can only call into Open RGs. Even worse, he looks for the same number of to call cards from the top of your deck. This doesn't seem bad, but this is made to be Wild Calling (Alice explains this in depth). Which is bad. Aglovale, per example, doesn't call from the top, but from the top 3. People aren't aware of how much this helps in getting something you need. It's one of the reasons why Spring Breeze Messenger was called the best Starter - because he calls from the top 3. Even Liberator Garmore was better than this crap. Of course, it could be used at 2 for Anti-Kagero but otherwise, no.

Of course, it has it's uses, but it gets really situational.

To the next set of clan: Shadow Paladins got a whole new build: A Claret build. Claret, just like Gurguit, is a good unit because you can get an unconditional +1 for a CB1, but this does it better, becuase it searches the deck, and gives +2k. With Swordbreaker you can get a free +2 with a SB of 1, useful as hell. This unit's just great, and that GB2 is actually useful.

Then, the Stride we got. We got Aurageyser Dragon. Now: Lemme start singing the praises of this guy. It's amazing.

At first I really didn't think much of the man, but after testing this becomes amazing. Have you seen Bermuda having massive hand? By bounching hand? This can also bounce, in a strange way, but still. This is great in any deck (It was specifically made to be used in Claret, but it can, and should, be used in every single SP deck) and has just so many uses. Amazing.

Ambush Demonic Stealth Dragon, Homura Raider is a great unit. He's one of the only units that can Restand while not Minusing. It's great. And it's Murakumo. It's underused, underhyped, and underpriced. Makes a great budget deck.

Nebula Dragon, Big Crunch Dragon is a great unit. Omega Locking a collumn is actually good. Now, let's ignore the fact that it's a collumn. It's just freaking worth it.

I wrote about Mustafa here, so I'll skip this one.


Now, the RR is where 50% of the new Striders are. I'm not complaining whatsoever because, I mean, it's budget. Budget = AMAZING.

Eh, 50% of these are PGGs, so those are self-explinatory. Either way, this set we got yet another Revival Legion. Covert Demonic Dragon, Magatsu Typhoon is a Revival Legion for the Magatsu Ride chain. It's decent, not bad I guess. If used right it can set up a great Final Turn scenerio. I haven't tried out any Murakumo deck so far (One of the reasons why the Murakumo article is coming a bit late) so I dunno how this'll work, but it seems like a Lost Gem in my eyes.

Deletors got yet another support. Mixed Deletor, Chaos has the following skill.
[AUTO]:[Counter Blast (2)-cards with "Deletor" in their card names & Choose two cards from your hand, and discard them] When this unit is placed on (VC), you may pay the cost. If you do, delete all of your opponent's vanguards, choose up to 2 of your opponent's rear guards, and lock them. (The deleted unit is turned face down, its power becomes 0 and it loses all text. It turns face up at the end of the owner's turn) (The locked card is turned face down, and cannot do anything. It turns face up at the end of the owner's turn.)

I have mixed opinions for this unit. First of all, the ability to Delete the Vanguard and Lock 2 units is great, but It's... Overpriced. The hand size is very very very important, and CB2 is sorta... I mean, if your opponent doesn't have a Grade 3, then it'll 100% buy you a Free turn, but if he does... Your shielding stages are below normal, and it might be easy to kill you or at least push you into 5 damage. It's a Double Edged sword. You might die using this. Be careful.

Fathoming Stealth Rogue, Yasuie is one of the RR Striders I was talking about earlier. It's useful, really. It can bunshin two units for 1 Counterblast. That's a free +2... Or so it seems. It's not permanent, so it can be counted as a +1 overall. And that GB2 skill is great. It can make a unit permanent. NOW we're talking +2. Great. And it can be used when you Stride, due to the logic of Looping.

Now, the other Strider is Scharlachrot Vampir. How do you even pronounce that name? I'll just call him Chocolate Vampir for now. Anyway, Chocolate has a skill that Soulcharges 2 for a CB of 1, and gives a retiring skill of all. 6 Soul isn't even a condition anymore in DI, and that Retire skill comes in useful. The GB2 is an alternative finisher to Gilles de Rais, if you can't even afford him.

The Amber Clone of DI's name is Squirtle Maker Vampir, that has a decent effect. But as always, foil. Foil foil foil. You can still do G-DI decently withought this so feel free to leave it out.

Now, last but not least, Holy Mage, Pwyll is a great card, since he's a Legit +1 to the field, or can extend attacks. This unit and Gurgrit can fill up the field like no one's buisness.

Rs and Commons

... I have a lot of writing to do. It's not even funny. I'll try to hang on, but still, I might skip some.

Firstly we have Witty Revenger, Teyrnon. This card.... THIS CARD SUPPORTS PBA. As if Abyss needed any more support. It just shouldn't even exist at all. Eh, you can try some kind of a wierd Witch mix but whatever.

Oh hey, would you look at that. We got a GB1 Nemain. Actually, comparing stuff, Nemain is better, since Giva is restricted to late game. Nemain was good because it gave you more options Early game. This is limited to late game, where you have so many other options to gain that resource. Just use Nemain at 1-2. Giva isn't worth it. At all.

Cambell is an amazing unit. It again, gives a Legit +1 and an extra power-up and extended attack. It must be run at 4 in any GP deck, may that be Liberators, Ezel, Generic, Gurguit, whatever.

Brennius is a great support to Liberators, since it fixes the Unflip problems they once had, and gives both Threat and Pressure (See V-Mundi). With enough Soul, you can make a great Monarch deck.

Barbtruc is a decent support, I guess, both for my Core deck and the Glare decks Oh and by the way, Screw Glare in this world. Budgetfight Vanguard welcomes Core, but not Glare.

Heroic Saga Dragon  is Blademaster support, and the student of Daikaiser. It's great... In the sense that Fate Wheel is great. So it isn't, but you run him because you don't have better options. The Grade 2 counterpart is just crap.

So, Den-O, Thomas, Mr. Train, Chuu chuu is a Murakumo Stride that is... Not as good as the other on-hits. I mean, you could use him, but calling a temporary bunshin during battle phase isn't that impressive. With Yasuie they become permanent, making Thomas worth it, but it needs to wait until GB2.

Wow, what do we have here? Stealth Dragon, Rune Star is a R only Amber clone. It can clone (Pun intended) itself when boosted. As I said, I'm no Murakumo player so I don't know what we can do with this, but still.

Fujino is a decent unflipper, I guess, and it sorta gives Thomas more meaning.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Messiah budget players, rejoice! For we got an Amnesty Replacemt in the form of a Single R! Stellar Maker is a great budget option, since Awakening Comboes are now possible with budget. Try some decent stuff with it.

Lady Battler of Gravity Well is sorta meh... I think? Well, it can unlock Neon messiah or any fodders that you wanted to unlock, but Stellar...

Storm of Love, Kisskill Lila just made DI so much more worth it. DI is scary right now because of the attack potential, and Bushi just had to decide to give them hand size as well. Wow. DI should be the best budget build as of now. 6 Soul isn't even a condition, and the pressure is real.

Psychic of Storm, Rigil is a Legion that DI got in this set. It can retire 2 at minumim, and 3 at maximum. A free +3 for CB2 is really good. But since the mate will become a 9k beaterstick Vanila if you Stride, he should be used in his own deck, not as a backup for Chocolate Vampir.

Sweet Predator, just proved something. DI is now amazing. If this was a Grade 1/2 it would have been much better, but it's still better than nothing. It's great. It's what DI needed all along. A Doreen clone. This can do so much things. Do note that the Main phase restriction makes it that Chocolate's Stride skill can't give it the power.

Oh hey, a Reprint.

Earth Elemental, Pokkle is a support for Reverse units. Aside from that, it's not worth it.

ToteWichita, aside from supporting the Demon World Castles, is a decent backup for Claret Sword Dragon. Well, The new Caar works better since Rear-Guard Pressure, but riding? This. But really, it's hard to choose between the two.

Night Sky Eagle is a decent unit. It becomes a 11k booster for one turn, and then it's also searchable by Claret to make a 13k booster. Boosting an attacker makes it devastating, and you can use Claret's GB2, Aurageyser Dragon, Effstein, anything that retires to clear the row, then call again. Eh, this sorta made Giva/Nemain more worth it, but still not recommended.

Why is this even here?

The new starter of SPs, David is a decent unit, I guess... It makes Aurageyser a +1 and Claret more normal. It can also be searched out by Claret so you can use this and Aurageyser to play OTT in Shadow Paladins. There are decent stuff that you can do with this.

Cursed Eye Raven is the best Stand trigger in the game. It helpes Claret become free, and once again, Claret searchable. It's just great people.

Veteran Knight, Danvalo is a decent backup option for Gurguit, thanks to the pressure. It isn't amazing, but it is good.

Even better than Danvalo, you can use Lofty Head Lion for finisher synergy. It workes decently, I guess, but as I said, it's a choice hard to make.

Butterfly Liberator, Cordelia and Liberator of After Glow, Belinus are yet another decent upgrades for Liberators. Cordelia helps Bruno power up even more (It can already hit 61k...) or replace the unit for a better one. Belinus is a decent unit I guess, especially since it helps in powering up the units, but that GB1 was really unneccesary.

Slaymy is okay, I guess, and could be used for the Spear Cross deck I talked about waaaaay up there, but it isn't a Staple. At most, 3.

Rising Lionet isn't a bad starter, but the GB1 really restricts it to late game, and it's sorta risky. Well I guess there are interesting things possible with it, but still. I prefer Spring Breeze. It does help in making a monster collumn so test it out a bit.

Gigantech Ringer is a yet another decent Stand trigger. It's great. The monster collumn is yet again, possible, and plus, you return a trigger to the deck. Plus it ends up as a wash (Excluding power boost) so it's fine. Take note that you can call a unit over him, and still use the skill, like the logic of Dorint activating even if you call BDR over him.

Dragon Knight, Soheyl makes monster collumns in Kagero, especially combined with Root Flare. He's much better than Heroic Saga.

Futanna doesn't seem too great at first, but that retire 2 is useful, really. It gives an instant 2 stages to Gyokuryu clones, and it can be used for good use. Go to my Kagero post for more information.

Mumito makes a decent booster, but one question... What do you do with all that soul? I dunno. I guess you can try some creative stuff with Pain Laser, but it's really up to you.

Seal Dragon, Ghalisurge is the precious support Seal Dragons got after a long long wait... Which isn't that impressive. It's completely useless with Blockade Inferno, and you have better stuff to do with that CB. The only use for him is that good boosting power.

10k Vanguard booster for Kagero. A.k.a. Useless crap.

Eh... what the hell is this? Returning to hand for a SB? What? Eh... It isn't that useful...

Seal Dragon, Tarpaulin Dracokid is the second Critical Trigger for Seal Dragons, and their decent unflipper. Not completely useless trash, I guess.

Now, I skipped all the 12k GB1 attackers so far, but Murakumo is different. That 12k attack is actually useful, if you ever call Lake Diver in the backrow (For Homura Raider) or anything at all.

Stealth Fiend, Emissary Crow is useful, I guess... but the only good it does is Deck thinning, and that once per game... Eh, whatever.

Stealth Beast, Charcoal Fox helps Den-O become slightly more useful, I guess. On another note, you can continously return it to the deck to get 11k boosters all day.

Onifundou is the new starter. I guess it's usable, but as I said, I don't Murakumo.

Hidden Scroll isn't as good as the other Stand triggers in this set, but I guess it's okay.

Neutron Star Lady Gunner is a decent Toolboxing unit, but it fights for space with Alterego and Stellar Maker. It's a horrible ride target though.

Link Joker gets a Nemain clone. It's okay I guess, and the results were slightly great. Use 1-2 or maybe 3.

Star-vader Revival! Eh, I'm spectical about that discard since hand is love, hand is life, but I guess it's fine... Defenitely not something to spam though.

Aand Deletor Revival! It's actually great because Deletors have a decent way to collect that soul, and pressure applied on a Deleted Vanguard is really annoying. It's great.

Oh, so it looks like Glendios got another support. I'll say one word and leave this as self-explinatory. 40% failure or so.

Spawn of Spiral Nebula is a decent toolbox unit. Neon Messiah is also good, but it's up to you. Both are great.

Clamping Deletor, Edi calls as a wash. Run.

Amons got an Emblem Master version 2.0. I personally like Emblem Master more because Pressure, but meh.

Killing Dollmaster is a decent way to add cards into the soul, but at the cost of hand. Well with the new Dis it shouldn't be a big problem though.

Lunatic Masquerade is great. It becomes a great great great booster.

Amon's Follower, Bar Maid Grace is a decent starter option for Amons. It has great synergy with Reverse, and Astaroth decks can use him decently. You can use the original Amon to suck him up after the skill is used but why would you ever want to do that?

As much as Greedy Hand is amazing, Werbat Ordonnanz is just so much better. He's basically holding up a sign saying "I have hand size. Your arguement is invalid." which is actually true. Hand size is superior above everything else.

Amon's Follower, Grausam is a great support for Astaroth decks. I don't need to say anything else.

Monochrome of Nightmareland is another great Stand trigger. Although 4 is questionable.

Also, Werwolf Jaeger gets a special mention for amazing art.

Air Elemental, Fuwaloon is... interesting.... It can act as a replacement for Sour Slicer in Neo Nectar decks, but aside from that it's just meh.

Final Words:
Eh, somehow this ended up being the longest blog I've ever written. I hope I never have to do this ever again (Preety sure that I'll have to since G-BT04). Somehow I'm still sane after 2-3 hours of straight up writing, but I feel like it was worth it.

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