Tuesday 7 July 2015

Is Nubatama OP?

Eh, this is a question that has been in my mind for quiite a while now. If you go to my post about Nubas, I should have stated that withought Kuroko, everything else wouldn't be playable. But with Kuroko around, it's too funny it's not even fair. It's eithe your opponent drops a shield, and loses 2 cards, or he doesn't guard, and loses 2 cards. But then, withought Kuroko, the temporary Bind for that kind of heavy cost is just... Overcosted.

For example, let's see Yozakuracongo. He discards 2 for your opponent's bind 2, that you don't even know if it will or won't pay off. This is the exact example of what I call overcosted. This wouldn't be playable if Kuroko wasn't a thing. It was made to work with Kuroko. Otherwise, it just fails in so many ways.

Enough of Yozakuracongo, let's talk about Nubatama itself. Nubatama usually does their Discard tactics on-hit, making it "Guard it, and discard it, or don't guard it, and discard it" type of clan. That itself is the reason why people call Nubatama OP. In fact, Bushi designed this clan completely wrong. I mean, just look at it. The discards being assosiated with on-hitting is just... No. There's nothing wrong with the mechanic of making your opponent discard. There's something wrong if it heavily relies on Pressure.

Now, I'm actually not sure about what would help Nubatama get back on their feet, but if there was a way to Bind regardless of on-hit, or Discard, then it'd be a bit better. Rikudo Stealth Dragon, Jorurirakan was a sort of good example for my point, since it isn't associated with Pressure, and can just go for it's own attack. Either way, if Nubatama got a tiiiny bit of more support, then it'd help them a lot. Even if Bushi thinks that they're OP, if they're undersupported as hell, it doesn't help anything. At least make them usable withought heavily being dependent on another card...

Either way, I'm exited to see Nubatama's G-Support, and how Bushi will fare about it. If they ever release any, that is.

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