Tuesday 3 May 2016


So I've been crackin' at the options for the blog and updated/added a few things. Tell me how you like it!

I'm also trying to put in blogs for some of the clans that haven't gotten any love on the blog so expect the following clans to be featured sometime in the future:
    • Neo Nectar
    • Touken Ranbu(Possibly)
    I have also added a forum to the blog for anyone who wanted one.



    1. Hi I'm just wondering if you'd start a buddyfight blog since the one I'm following kinda died out

      1. I'm horribly outdated on Buddyfight, and never got around to playing it IRL either. Dunno about Robot tho.

      2. Well, I've been trying to get into the game, but to be honest I'm garbage. Once I get some of the fundamentals down im totally for the idea

      3. Thanks a lot for the reply!

      4. You are very welcome!

    2. A proper Spike Bro budget deck could be interesting as the G version of spike brothers can be quite costly at the moment, in my local vanguard area at least

      1. Spikes are really fun and are pretty easy to build budget. Sometime in the near future I'll post a spike bros build

    3. Any way you could change the font colors so I don't cry when I have to look?

      Angel feather budget deck would be fun.

      1. Sorry Miles. I like Color Coding.

      2. I hope that help save your eyes. Darkened the font shades

      3. I take it back, Budget Bermuda would be far more interesting to see. Thank you very much for darkening the text

    4. How about nubatama i love that clan but i don't have the money

      1. I assume you're talking about G-Nubatama, since Tachi's written about generic Nubas already. G-Nubas are pretty good and Shiranui's "affordable" enough. They also got a new R Perfect Guard to make it a lot easier to play budget. Don't know how much the strides cost, but I'll look into it sometime.

      2. Never mind what I said about shiranui. He's expensive as hell now

      3. How bout murajumo Yasuie build i do not know how to build but i know for a fact that he is cheap

      4. You must really like ninjas or something. Yeah, Murakumo is untraversed land for me. Testing will tell if I do make a Yasuie blog

      5. Thx I also have been feeling the update of the DI build all thanks to the new darkness cards from G-Bt06 i have a budget of 85$ not sure what to do :(

      6. You mean GBT-07? Lol. Maybe, once it releases.

      7. thx still salty about wasting money on GC

    5. How about genesis? Genesis is one of my most favorite clan but some of the cards used to make the deck are very expensive! I like Genesis because it feels like all of the other clans mushed up and combined to create the 'Genesis', love the company part. Bet u would probably answer a 'no one cares at the why I like genesis part' xD.

      Still please make a genesis deck profile! Dedication for a fellow card fighter.

      1. If I remember right, none of the foils are more than $10-15.

        Hell, when the PGG is, like, $3-5

      2. Except for regalia. That crap's expensive

    6. then there's the witches... Their legion are like $240 total, '8 cards = $240'xD

      1. Well, I don't use Mint in my Witch build, just Fennell so it isn't too pricy. It's more like Mint's expensive than witches are expensive.

      2. Seriously? Pls give me ur deck build, I've been trying to find a deck build that only uses fennell but she doesnt appear anywhere!!!

      3. Um, sure. I was a bit lazy with it, but whatever

        1x Pray Angel/Vivid Rabit
        8x Witch Crits
        4x Witch Heals
        4x Dreaming Dragon

        4x Skoll
        3x Hati
        4x PG(Preferably Witch)
        4x Oneon

        3x Jormungand
        3x Chamomile
        4x Jasmine
        4x Cardamon
        4x Fennel

        4x Doom Brace
        1x Tyr
        4x Clove/Vangarandr
        1x Sebreeze/Dione
        6x G-Guardians

        Stall Till Deckout. Stack your deck with triggers by filling drop with triggers than proceeding to use dreaming dragon. Gain Advantage through SBlasting Cardamon, Oneon, and Chamomile. Pressure opponent with Clove/Vangarandr. Spam Legion with Fennel's first skill. Have fun.

      4. @Anon No one in the internet who posts decks will give a crap about budget and just go for the best available cards lol.

        Unless it's a budget deck specific site like this one.

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