Eradicators, an aggro deck with critical gaining and retiring, is now considered to be a bit... Weak, and the price went down a whole lot. I'm honestly surprised at how much Erads got cheaper. Heh, I guess it's Brawlers.
Either way thanks to that, Eradicators don't have a Star boss. You can use just about anything.
Grade 3
So firstly, is
this guy. It has an amazing Limit Break. It's one of those high pressure cards. Combining this guy with cards like
Ignition Dragon and pressuring your opponent is amazing. I mean, the pressure applied with those criticals are amazing, it's not even funny. And how much is this? $5. Okay then. Run 2 or 3 if you can get them.
Then, as I always say, run a finisher (No, I don't mean
this expensive bastard) called
Dragonic Descendant. At 5 damage it makes an amazing finisher. Or you can just run a 12 crit aggro Descendant deck to punish your opponent if he decides to no guard the attack. Although since Draws synergize well with Eradicators, I don't really recommend that.
Then, Gauntlet Buster isn't the only unit that can pressure the opponent with high power and high crit. We have
Twin Thunder Dragon. In exchange for a ridiculous cost of CB2 and Discarding 3, he gets to retire all Rear Guards, including yours. Then, he gets +2 critical if 3 or more got retired. Wait, there's more! His second skill lets him get an additional 3k whenever a Rear-Guard is retirered during the main phase. So he gets a potential 26k 3 crit attack by himself. Wow... This gambit is even more ridiculous than
Armor Break Dragon. But as long as your opponent doesn't have a PG, this should pay off. Or you can just play him for the second skill and make high powered attacks each turn, but Gauntlet Buster does it better with Criticals.
Before Eradicators, there was this. |
Then, let's move on to
Tempest Bolt Dragon. This guy has a psuedo-Twin Thunder effect (Or Twin Thunder has psuedo-Tempest effect. Whichever you want it) and a second skill. It gets +2k for each empty Rear-guard circle, including your own. So on the turn that you used the Limit Break, he'll become a 31k beater. Although, I suggest that you call a few RGs and a booster, sincee it's gonna hit for the same thing. I'm honestly surprised at his price right now ($2-3 or so) because with all the extra random support he got with the Advent of G-BT02, I thought it would rise a little bit in terms or price...
Яeverse = lame. Pure proof. |
Either way... To the next Grade 3. We have
Vowing Saber Dragon Яeverse. This... This little Grade 3 is so mediocre, I laughed when I first saw the effect back then. CB2? What the hell? The skill better be worth it... Oh no, I have to lock 2 too? Okay? And what's the expected super-good effect that I get?... Wait, I retire 2? That's all? Nothing else?
And my opponent gets to choose his retires? Oh, wait, I also get +10k?... For what? If it locked 1 and did CB1 then I'd consider, since Spam is a thing, but... Withought
Pokkle, this would be barely usable.
Either way, even with Pokkie (Aww, such a cute name!) I don't recommend that Lame Ugly Dragon right there.
Then to the final Grade 3 that I have to discuss....
Steve. Steve would have been an amazing card... If it copied CBD. If it turned into a decent draw engine, then it would be a must at 4. Unfortunately it isn't and you can use those CBs for better things in this deck.
Grade 2
Bull's Eye! |
So depending on your Grade 3 options, there are quite a lot of Grade 2 options. Firstly... Is
Double Gun Eradicator, Hakusho, if you decide on Ignition + Gauntlet. (3 Ignition 3 Gauntlet 2 Descendant) Since it can power up to a ridiculous amount with Gauntlet. Or there's
Rochishin to do that for you, but Hakusho is a 9k... Oh well, you can use either, or both. For the other options...
Lorentz Force Dragon? I mean if you're gonna Break Ride, and for Gauntlet, every single retire counts.
For Twin Thunder/Tempest Bolt (If you wanna, you can forego Descendant here) there's
Schub. This unit is just great with those two. Usually you can't rush in this type of deck, but with Schub, you can. And it has a second skill that unlocks him into a potential 22k attack maximum. It just works great with those. Then you have
Koenshak. You can retire Schub, and not lose a RG. Yes, that's legal play.
Then before we move on to Grade 1, I'll list a bunch of cards that works in any combination of G3s.
Spark Rain,
Thunder Boom, and if you have them pulled from BTs,
Cho-Ou and
Grade 1
Mahou Shoujo! |
So for Grade 1, 4
Egghelm Dracokid is a Staple. You just need to have it. Then there's
Demolition Dragon, another perfect rushing Kay clone. Then this is another Staple;
Shuki. Thank goodness that this good card isn't a foil... Then going on,
Saikei is a solid choice, as long as you're not running Steve. But really, it solves all the CB heavy unit's problems. Just... Run 3-4. Then
this? Well... You can choose to, for deck thining and stuff, but I'm not sure if I'll run him... Oh hey, what's
this? Wow, it gives a free retire, and it gives a soul (Saikei anyone?) so you can use him to rush, then just let him go. And for Gauntlet, that retire is actually meaningful.
Oh, and also, Good luck with the PGs. (But there's always Sunny :3)
Grade 4
Do I really have to write about this? 4
Zorras. Problem solved.
Finish Blow Dragon is another card that really pulls its own weight and allows you to play the Gauntlet Buster game while striding. Just great, even if you're not running Gauntlet Buster.
Then G-Guardians, of course.
Grade 0
Bad Starter, bad. |
So for Eradicators, we have 2 decent Starter options. 3 If you choose to run Steve. Firstly, the so-called best Eradicator starter,
Ambush Dragon Eradicator, Linchu. And I have to admit, it's preety good. It helps getting rid of annoying backrow units (
Bruno anyone?) and the pressure is unreal. It's a better
Saishin. Then, the next to best unit is; Surprise!
Spirit Beads Eradicator, Nata. This guy... Is... Did anyone consider the combo of this and Twin Thunder/Tempest? Or even Gauntlet or something? This is just amazing, people. Although, among this tough choice of 2 great units, it's all up to you.
Then if you choose to run Steve, then
First Thunder Dracokid is a valid starter. There's this combo called Steve combo or something (Whatever the name is) and the plan is to attack with Zoras, let the attack hit, then use Fist Thunder to combo and ride into Steve during battle phase, giving another Vanguard attack. It increases Zoras's pressure dramatically. But still, I'm not too keen on using Steve, and there are better units out there.
I guess Rare-talent is an option. I guess...
No. Nononono. Don't run. |
Then now for the trigger lineup. No matter what you're using, Eradicators will always,
always favorize draw triggers with their discarding skills. At least 4 draws... Hell, even 6 might not hurt. Then obviously, 6-8 more crits. Beware: Firstly; Do not run
Jini. Even for the skill. You'll rarely use him and a full Eradicator deck is needed here. Second; For Tempest and Twin Thunder, use
Capnis. This should be obvious, since he's so good. Call him for rush, then retire him to get a card. It's like a "return this to hand" skill. Either way 10/10 best Critical triger for Twin Thunder/Tempest.
Note: I
highly support building your own decks and doing your own testings.
Please do not straight out use this deck, but use it as a base to start
and spread out and make your own Version.
Grade 0
- 1x Ambush Dragon Eradicator, Linchu/Spirit Beads Eradicator, Nata
- 16x Triggers of Choice
Grade 1:
- 4x Perfect Guard of Choice
- 4x Egghelm Dracokid
- 3x Steel-blooded Eradicator, Shuki
- 2x Assault Eradicator Saikei//Eradicator, Demolition Dragon
Grade 2:
- 4x Double-gun Eradicator, Hakusho
- 4x Homing Eradicator, Rochishin
- 3x Spark Rain Dragon/Thunderboom Dragon
Grade 3:
- 2-3x Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon
- 3-4x Eradicator, Tempest Bolt Dragon/Eradicator, Twin Thunder Dragon
- 2x Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
Grade 4:
- 4x True Eradicator, Finish Blow Dragon
- 4x Lightning Dragon Knight, Zorras
- 0-2x Miracle Element, Atmos
- 0-2x Snow Element, Blizza
- 4x Lightning King Spirit Emperor, Vritra
Effectiveness: 10/10
Price: $35-45
Competetive: Yes
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