Friday 23 September 2016

Deck Spotlight: Ripple Overdrive (Ripple Rush)

Ripples are just great. They really are. The deck I started out on this blog with too. Remember when Odysseus was at 4?

Ah, good times.

Sebreeze and Oddy nerfs have really taken a toll on the Ripple strategy, but they still are fun as hell and still strong. They're also my favorite rush deck of the bunch, being the only one that's non-linear and has methods of plussing, through Sea-Turtle and multi-attacking and whatnot.
Grade 0:
1x Starting Ripple, Alecs
16x Critical Triggers (4 Orest)

Grade 1: 4x Silent Ripple, Sotirio
2x Flash Ripple, Oysseus
2x Perfect Guards 
2x Quintet Walls 
3x Dispatch Mission Seagull Soldier 
2x Light Signals Penguin Soldier

Grade 2:
4x Rising Ripple, Pavroth
4x Tidal Rescue Sea Turtle Soldier
3x Unruly Ripple, Lapis 3x Couple Dagger Sailor/Tidal Assault

Grade 3:
4x Thundering Ripple, Genovius
Ripple in Flavor Text
Quite different from my first Ripple post, as you can see. It's much faster and more streamlined than the Miltiades version.

Starting off, I've lowered the amount of Grade 3s for three reasons. First, it increases the chances of having more rush units in hand. Second, it increases the chances of Sea-Turtle Soldier's skill, which also contributes highly to rush consistency. Third, it increases the guard quality of Quintet Walls, as I've explained previously.

Couple Dagger and Tidal are good for keeping up your tempo attacks. If you'd like, taking out Lapis will let you run both Sailor and Tidal.

Seagull for Tidal and other power-boosting needs. Penguin Soldier for essentially free draw is always good.

Potential Changes:

As I already said, Lapis can be removed to make room for more Sailor and Tidal.

If you want to dedicate to gradestalling, you can take out Genovius for more G1 and 2 space.

Here's a list of other cards that you can add or keep in mind: Calista, Ianis, Cloris, Bubble Edge, Heavy Rush, Eugen, Wheel Assault, and so on and so forth.

Effectiveness: 8.5/10

Price: $20-45

Competitive: Without a... ripple of a doubt...

Final Words: A proper deck to end rush week. Powerful, budget, and fun. You won't be making friends, and probably lose a few, but in the end it's Vanguard. The deck has some problems with mass-retiring w/o GBreak or Legion, but can easily recover from that with Turtle Soldier and Penguin Solder.

Anyhow, see you in the next one!


The Unrivaled, Undefeatable Ripple User

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