Thursday 22 September 2016

Deck Spotlight: 1-Trick Paladins feat. Spear People (Grade 1 Rush)

Amazing Character
Grade 1 Rush is THE most hated rush deck and I'm pretty sure it's what started the hate for rush decks. By being able to hit pretty high numbers with just Grade 1s, the board is all set up for victory. Against any Stride or Legion deck G1 Rush will dominate the matchup. The strength of the deck lies in that any opening hand and anything you draw can be called and contributed to the rush. And if you choose to play the Liberator variant, you could be defensive as hell too.

Although while they ARE annoying, Grade 1 Rush deck isn't nearly as potent as it used to be. The meta is just unfavorable for it at the moment.  But if GB and Legion-based decks start to become meta and more popular, Grade 1 Rush will become more successful.
Grade 0:
4x Composed Seeker, Lucius
16x Critical Triggers

Grade 1:
4x Quintet Wall
4x Bravogal Seeker
4x Honest Seeker, Cynric
4x Heaven Arrow Seeker, Lunate
4x Seeker, Sebrumy
4x Righteousness Seeker, Gangalen
4x Seeker, Youthful Mage
2x Seeker, Tranquil Unicorn

Grade 0:
4x Genius Liberator, Woltimer
16x Critical Triggers

Grade 1:
4x Sword Formation Liberator, Igraine
4x Starry Skies Liberator, Guinevere
4x Liberator, Holy Acolyte
4x Butterfly Liberator, Korderia
4x Invitation Liberator, Rud
4x Future Liberator, Llew
4x Little Liberator, Marron
2x May Rain Liberator, Bruno

The list ain't to complicated. The bulk of the deck is just rush attackers and boosters. Gangalen, Cynric, Marron, and Lunate are the star rush units.

Lucius and Woltimer, our starters, are both run at 4, as they are both strong boosters and can serve as 10k Shields if the need calls.

As I've said, a Quintet Walls are the perfect alternative to Perfect Guards in Rush decks so that you don't fall behind in card advantage. Quintet Walls are also much better in G1 Rush decks because the entire deck has a shield value, changing the average guarding value of quintet walls from 25k to about 30-35k. Guinevere in the Liberator variant acts like a second Quintet Wall as well, adding to the defensive capabilities of G1 Rush.

Potential Changes:

Get a fake G-Zone kappa. No one will expect it.

But on a serious note, you could use Spring Breeze Messenger over Woltimer to increase the amounts of attacks.

There's also a variant I've seen that actually plays Grade 2s and a single Grade 3(whaaaa?). Just take out some of the beaters for about 9-11 Grade 2s and a Grade 3 of choice.

Effectiveness: 6.5/10

Price: $10-15

Competitive: If your local's meta is Stride and Legion-based.

Final Words: Grade 1 Rush is actually not that good compared to other rush decks, which have a much higher power ceiling. It's best weapon, as a matter of fact, is annoyance. Players tend to either laugh it off or get really, really pissed, the latter being the more likely. The only place where G1 Rush is super-successful is in Stride and Legion contested areas. If you'd like some more information about this, Timothy Emerson has made a video on the topic which you can see here(although the flame is pretty crazy).

And shoutouts to FenrirFanboi and Prince69 for helping out with the name.

Anyhow, see you in the next one!


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