Wednesday 24 June 2015

Budget Deck: Dimension Police (Dimensional Robos)

-Insert Random Kenji Ride Chant here-
Dimensional Robos, Drobos for short, are some kind of Super Sentai Megazord buisness. I mean, look at every single unit out there! It's clearly gigantic robos fighting for Justice! Wait, is it Transformers? Anyway, Drobos boast an amazing amount of Critical sacking on one place, and mainly now, guard breaking.

Daikaiser = Big King
As of now, Daikaiser's the pride and joy of Drobos. It's a Break Ride with a cost of CB1, and it gives the usual 10k, but comes with an extra crit. Eh? This is just an Ashlei with a cost? Why does this even exist? Oh, it comes with an extra skill. So, whenever you check a Grade 3, you can kill a Guardian, even PGs. Eh, a Grade 3? Normally it would be fine... If it wasn't for one turn only. What the hell? So in the end this is going to become an Ashlei with a cost...

Not really. Daikaiser's true shine for that cost is the pressure. Not the pressure that comes with the critical, it's the pressure that comes with the guard breaking skill. It makes your opponent scared that you'll check a Grade 3, so he just doesn't guard or lets the attack through. If he/she lets it through, then good for us! We hit 2 critical before trigger or skill or anything whatsoever! But still, stuff change. If you Break Ride a... Let's say Great Daiyusha and hit for 3 critical, your opponent will not let that attack through, no matter what. Does it matter? Your opponent will not guard just for a Two-to-pass, since that's equivalent to a Grade-3-to-pass, so he'll put down more shields than normal. Hey, More shields than normal. Can you see the shield depleting possibility of this guy?

Obviously, even this Mr. Seems Perfect has problems. First is that he's a Break Ride, making the skill late game. Second is that if you want to get the Guard Breaking skill off, you'll have to make a complete Daikaiser-focused deck, consisting of 12-13 Grade 3s or so. Well, I guess that those Grade 3s will come in handy as a Stride Fodder, but still, those Grade 3s will come back to hunt you someday.

I am the real one!
Everything else is fake!
Drobos, however, were introduced a Daikaiser Version 3.0. True Ultimate Dimensional Robo, Great Daikaiser, is a Legion Revival for Great Daiyusha (That stupidly pumped up the price of the person) with a Daikaiser-equivalent skill. Obviously. Either way, if you have 3 or more Drobo souls when this unit's in Legion, this unit gets a critical. So this can consistently hit for a critical... THE PRESSURE IS REAL! Or True. Wait, he still has another skill? If Daiyusha's critical is 2 or more, he gets a Guard Breaking skill equivalent to Daikaiser. Hey, wait. Are you serious? Consistent 2 crit was bad enough, but you even get that king of skill? Wow. This is great. Everything from the skill to the price is ridiculous.

Since the Guard Breaking part of Drobos are too expensive, we have to go to the equivantly amazing part of Drobos. Which is----- Tadah! Consistent Crit! Drobos had the ability to hit their number of critical, since their very first released card. Daiyusha has a skill that gets him get a crit whenever his power is 14000 or higher. This is before boosting. The Pressure, once again, is real. Drobos can apply a great amount of critical sacking to the middle collumn, and punishing your opponent if he decides to let it hit.

Obviously, Daiyusha is a bad option to run nowadays because of the 10k base, and since Great Daiyusha isn't only late game, but expensive. Then how is budget Drobos Consistent Crit when there's nothing cheap that can give the crit? Isn't everyone forgetting a certain someone?

Super Drobo, Die Hard!
Fighter's Collection 2014 gave us, along with a horrible translation fail, an amazing unit. Super Dimensional Robo, Diard is a very useful unit, and is one of the few good units that FC 2014 introduced to us. Let's talk about the Second Skill first. So, if this guy has 15000 or more power, he gets an Extra Critical. So this is a complete Daiyusha clone, with 11k base. Perfect! Wait, and he has a Limit Break? During Late game, you can put a Drobo unit from your field to your soul, and ride a Grade 3 from your Deck, and that Drobo gets +4k. Folks, there are a lot of stuff that we can do with this.

One of the potentials of that Limit Break is to: Loop around with riding Diard on top of Diard, giving a 15k 2 critical Vanguard each turn. Another is to search out your finisher Vanguard, and ride it to finish game. One example is Яeverse Daiyusha, but we'll get to that later.

Either way, Diard is a unit with a lot of pressure and a lot of potential. Use it right, and it'll pay off, and get you addicted. Plus this is, once again, less than a $1!

Grade 0

Robot #1

So, for Drobos, we have 3 Starter choices. Daimagnum, Daishoot, and Goyusha. Firstly, Goyusha is horrible, there's no point of talking about him. Then we have the choice of Daimagnum and Daishoot. Daimagnum is an anytime +4k to the Vanguard, while Daishoot is a GB1 +4k and an on-hit retire skill. While the latter seems better, Daimagnum can be put in soul early game to give Diard a critical, while Daishoot has to wait. So Daimagnum is absolutely better.

The trigger choices are 8 Crit 4 Draw 4 heal. You don't have anything else to run anyway and Draws work great with Diard.

Grade 1

Robot #4
So we have quite a few choices for the Grade 1 lineup. First is Daibrave. It applies Even More Pressure to your opponent, and you have a solid way of putting it into your soul, aside from riding it. Plus, if it hits, you draw one. Among all the ways you can plus, Drawing is the best.

Then we have Dailander, to give Diard more options to get that critical. Asie from Lander, we have Dailion, a LB enabler. I feel like Diard can even work withought a LB enabler, but if you want it, then go on. I'm preety sure there are better things to run that that Circus Lion though.

Daimariner is another possible target for Diard's LB, and Daitiger is the typical Kay clone. If you somehow get her I guess you could run Yuka but I dunno.

Grade 2

Again, quite a few options. Firstly, if some of you have a bundle of Daibarrett, then please run him. It's an amazing card. Then Daidragon is the 12k attacker. I guess that Daidriller works but that 8k defense will dig you a cave to destruction. Vanila is optional.

Now, Kaizard demands some arguement. It's actually really good in any Drobo deck, since that +5k actually matters. It might not seem like much, but it works great. It forces your opponent not to guard the Vanguard, since if he does, he'll lose quite a bit of recourses. But even better, you can abuse the fact that you're going first and ride Diard on top of Kaizard, and hit for 16k 2 crit in early game. This is absolutely devastating, you don't even know.
Daidragon's long lost brother.

Then the one and last option we have is Daijet. I know that this was designed for Daikaiser, but funnily, it works too well in our little deck. Run 4. Ignoring the GB1 part, it returns a Grade 3 from the Drop zone into the deck to give +4k and a drawing skill. Remember what I said about drawing? Either way, a Diard that accidentally came here from the Damage zone? Go back. You can add one to your loop right there. A certain Grade 3 that you only have 1 of because Diard can search it out that accidentally appeared in your hand? Back. This Jet is an amazing Toolbox, and defenitely needed.

Grade 3

So... This is really plain and lonely... So obviously 4 Diard is a must. Then you might wanna add in three of the original Daiyusha for more loops, and for 13k of Яeverse Daiyusha. So, 1 of Яeverse Daiyusha as a finisher, and that 13k base does come in handy, since almost no one is expecting a crossride nowadays. Don't worry about getting him with one, since you can just search it out with Diard. What if it goes to the Damage Zone? Oh yeah and what's the possibility. Either way, even if he does, that's what Daijet is here for.

Grade 4

Eh, nothing in DP was really "made" for Drobos, so I'd just use like one Harmonics Messiah for unlocking Daijet.

Note: I highly support building your own decks and doing your own testings. Please do not straight out use this deck, but use it as a base to start and spread out and make your own Version.

Grade 0
Grade 1:
Grade 2:
Grade 3:
Grade 4:
 Effectiveness: 7/10

Price: $20-30

Competetive: Yes

Final Words: This deck actually came out really well, seeing an endless crit loop there. Daijet being able to recycle Diards was like a dream come true, and it seems preety solid overall. Anyway this deck should be a lot competetive and at the same time easy to use, so yeah.


  1. really great job at deck building,but pls change the background,stock market didn't suit with vanguard you know

  2. Well card prices have rised since this was made... I do have the trial deck and with some improvisations i was able to make some adjustments to where it retains power but at a lower price, can't wait for my cards so i can test it out!!!
