Tuesday 23 June 2015

Budget Deck: Genesis

Genesis is a clan that Soulblasts for skills they took from other clans. No seriously. Everything from Genesis copied it from something else, like Restanding (Both VG and RG), Drawing (OTT?) Powering up the entire front row (Royal Paladin).
Complete Genesis clone.

The main star of this clan is the Regalia's CEO Yggdrasil. The new star of Genesis is Fenrir. He gifts a free Soulcharge 3 whenever you stride, as well as gifting Melissa's skill to every card in your soul, and has a GB2 that grants an extra crit and glory skill by paying a Soublast of 3. He's honestly soo amazing...

But he's $20... So I guess not.

Anyways, Genesis has some pretty good old generic support that can be used alongside the new support and strides(Tyr anyone?) and can still do pretty well.

Grade 3

So, firstly the wonder is that with the Grade 3 lineup, you can run literally anything you want. I'll just be giving you guys advice, as always.

First option is Yatagarasu. This is a great choice since it can help you recycle the soul. It's just plain great. Also, Ruing clarification: Yatagarasu can put the card into the soul once per battle, not once per turn. So, you can only put one unit if you guard with 2, but you can guard again later and do it again. People often get confused with this and take note.

Either way, the second skill is just great. Use it for that. Don't use the Limit Break. Unless you somehow get 12 soul, don't.

Then the other choices are Fortuna. This is a great card. The soulblast 3 effect lets you get +5, and plus, if you had something like Chamomile, then you can call it back. Don't worry about the Counterblast, since for Genesis, the Soul is the Counterblast. Plus, it has an amazing usable Limit Break.

If you have Minerva, then use as many as you can. It's an amazing card.

Another option is Justice... for the second effect. Honestly, this would only be good if Vanguard had a side-deck. In Genesis, I'm preety spectical about anything that costs more than 3 soul (Only in this deck) so in the end, it's up to you. I mean, I'm not an expert at Genesis.

Grade 2

Witch of Caves
One thing is obvious; 4 of Chamomile. It's an amazing card, you just don't even know... And with Fortuna and Minerva and whatever SBs during Battle Phase, you can call this on top of a unit. Another attack! No seriously this is awesome. Then I guess the Vanila? Maybe.

Then, we have a quite useful pressure unit. I mean, if they don't know that your deck is a Doombrace deck, then they'd probably wonder if you'll soul up rapidly. They'd almost always guard this one.

Promo but still, if you have a bundle, use this. It's a great Pressure unit, especially on Doombrace.

Then you have... Myth Guard, Denebola? You know what? I'm calling him Ebola. So Myth Guard Ebola gets +3k for each of his clones that went to the drop zone. There's also Jormungand, who gets +1k whenever a card is soulblasted. Either way, they're better than Vanillas.

Possible option but not recommended. If you can afford him get Gleipnir.

Grade 1

Again, 4 Melissa. These call from soul cards are amazing. Stride fodders if you'd like.
Light Princess

Eh, the vanilla might work, but meh. Then, there's the ebola clone, as well as the Jormungand clone. They make solid 10-13k boosters, which is actually pretty great.

Existence Angel works as a solid pressure unit and soulcharge. With Doombrace, these pressure units just work too well.

Eh, If you still have space, then the Witch of Nekos works. Also, if you feel the need to get some extra counterblast, Claimer Harry is also great.

Grade 0

Don't-slack-off... BZZT
There are only 2 valid Starter options here. The best generic Genesis starter now is Leyding, who gifts anything in your soul the Melissa call skill(outside of Leyding) just like Fenrir. Just awesome.

Then to the trigger options... People usually use 12 crits in Genesis, but I used draws, because Yatagarasu. Don't forget to run Dreaming Dragon. He's just amazing and everything Genesis needed.

Grade 4

4 Doombrace, duh. Doombrace shot up recently, by quite a bit. But! There's still other, much cheaper options open to you, like Tyr and Dione. Then Cray Elementals.

If you can get Doombrace and Vanargandr easily, then use 'em.
NOTE: This is only an example decklist and should only be used as a base. I recommended that you create your own decklist through your own testing. I found this decklist to fit me, but it is up to you to find a decklist that fits you.

Grade 0:
1x Fetter of Leather, Leyding
16x Triggers of Choice(4x Dreaming Dragon)

Grade 1:
4x PG of Choice
4x Witch of Frogs, Melissa
4x Mythic Beast, Hati
2x Mythic Beast, Skoll/Claimer Harry

Grade 2:
4x Witch of Ravens, Chamomile
4x Mythic Snake, Jormungand
3x Battle Maiden, Sahohime

Grade 3:
4x Sunlight Goddess, Yatagarasu
4x Goddess of Good Luck, Fortuna

Grade 4:
4x Beast-Slayer Military Deity, Tyr
2-4x Goddess of the Firmament, Dione
0-4x Great Angel, Doom Brace(Optional)
4x Goddess of Seven Colors, Iris

Effectiveness: 8/10


Competitive: Yes


  1. could you post a Decklist and the cost of it if you dont mind i am relatively new to this and dont know my way around a stack of cards .

    1. Decklist... Welp, personally I think that making the deck yourself is important, but I guess I could give out a decklist to start with...

      Which would mean a big as hell modification to the site...

      I'll try, but not anytime soon. I'll try to get it done in the week, but I can't gurantee anything. Also G-BT04 gave us new Genesis support and Doombrace went up to $7 so I need to update this.

    2. well where would a good budget but op grade 3 starting point come in

    3. Please don't ask for an OP card... Power creeps are just ugly, and OP and budget are not synonyms.

      Welp, for the Grade 3 options, Yatagarasu could be used purely for the second skill, if you can Minerva and Yggdrasil are also great options (But then again, not budget). Fortuna is also great (This time, including the Limit Break)

      With the new support out, Fenrir is also not too shabby of a unit, but it probably won't be budget and would soulcharge too much. Hestia is a good Soulcharge and draw, so valid option I guess. Persephone is another decent option,

      Bhudnir maybe? :P
